
From MOGAI Wiki

Contributions by: Rust&Stardust

Definitions and Usage

Ceresian is defined as being either in-between, simultaneously, or fluid between lunettian and plutoian. It is not inherently feminine-in-nature or agender-in-nature: it is primarily made of celestial, soft energy. It may also fluctuate, or considered as demi-lunettian.

Related Terms

Ceresian is a "secondary" label within the Celestial Alignment System, along with terms like saturnian, sonnian, or venusarian. When combined with "primary" labels within the same system, new terms are created, like terrarean. It falls under the space-related and demigender umbrellas, and is similar to g☆rl, cosmicgirl, demigirl, or otherwise xenic labels with some connection to femininity.


Ceresian flag by system-lgbt.

The name ceresian comes from the dwarf planet Ceres, as do the colors.